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The KW4 OHT has 42 Members, comprised of Partner Members, Affiliate Members and Strategic Members. All members commit to the shared vision, values and guiding principles as set out in the KW4 Design Framework, Supporting My Health and Wellness Journey in KW4 and the KW4 Patient Declaration of Values.
Through partnerships, collaboration, innovation, empathy, courage, inclusiveness and trust, we work together to deliver on our vision of a community where everyone thrives and no one is left behind.
Members meetings are held bi-monthly and the meeting agendas can be found here
The following health & wellness organizations make up the KW4 OHT membership:

Interested in Learning More or Partnering With Us?
The KW4 OHT is always welcoming new partners from our community to collaboratively organize and deliver care that is more connected to patients. Under Ontario Health Teams, health care providers (including hospitals, doctors, mental health agencies, home and community care providers) work as one coordinated team – no matter where they provide care.
As a health and wellness professional, there are a number of ways to get involved. From becoming a member to joining one of the Working Groups, we welcome your involvement. Please get in touch if you or your organization are interested in getting involved in the KW4 OHT. You can email us at