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KW4 Primary Care Network
Effect local change. Learn from your peers. Share your ideas and your skills.
What is a PCN?
A Primary Care Network - a not for profit corporation that will provide a strong voice for primary care in our region, work directly with the OHT, advocate for our patients and our needs, request and deploy funding for projects that matter to you.
The KW4 PCN’s mission is to empower and connect Primary Care Providers through integration, collaboration and innovation.
We are just beginning. Your voice will be fundamental in how we grow, where we focus, and what we achieve.

*The Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) were created a few years ago to advance regional health priorities. Our local OHT (KW4) involves diverse membership from our local hospitals and many other service providers. Learn about KW4 OHT.

Our Mission
Empowering and connecting Primary Care Providers through integration, collaboration and innovation. Our goal is to ensure equitable, accessible and sustainable healthcare for all.
Our Vision
A healthier community through united primary
Our Values
What Can A PCN Do For You?
​By working together, we can share knowledge, resources, and our collective voice to influence positive change in healthcare. We can coordinate our resources together and make sure everyone involved has access to what they need.
Help for Your Community
Help identify the real gaps and challenges and contribute your skills to fix them.
Help for Your Patients
Support sharing resources to ensure your patients have easy access to that allied health resources they need.
Help for Your Office
Learn from your peers about how to streamline your workflows and save you and your staff hours of administrative work.
Help for You
Find the personal and professional support you need to develop and thrive as a primary care provider as well as a person.
Who can join and what's expected from me as a member?
You are eligible to join if identify as a primary care provider operating in Kitchener, Waterloo, Wilmot, Wellesley, or Woolwich.
Expectations for Members
We expect that you will engage with our work when and how you can - whether that's through email or participating in implementing a project beneficial to you or helping lead through our Board of Directors. That you contribute back to the community when and how you can. And that you come to us with your challenges so that your community can support you
We expect that you conduct yourself in a professional manner and follow our Code of Conduct:
KW4 Primary Care Network (PCN) members will remember that our strength lies in our collegiality and our ability to navigate complex and changing realities. Our interactions shall be guided by the PCN's core values of respect and inclusivity. Members will also be held to their respective Professional Regulatory Bodies' Professional Standards. Members behaving contrary to these policies may result in their dismissal from the PCN. Honest, open and respectful dialogue is welcome."